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Daemonism or Dæmonism is the practice of creating mental thought constructs that have a symbolic animal form<ref name=":0">https://daemonpage.com//introduction.php</ref>. Practitioners are called Dæmonists or Daemians, and the mental construct is called a dæmon.<ref name=":0" /> This mental construct is considered the personification of some part of the daemonist's subconscious.<ref name=":0" />
'''Dæmonism''' is the practice of creating mental constructs that have a symbolic animal form<ref name=":02">{{Citation|title=Introduction|url=https://daemonpage.com/introduction.php|publisher=The Daemon Page}}</ref>. Dæmons are patterned after the entities of the same name in the novel series His Dark Materials by Phillip Pullman, in which every human has a dæmon - a person's soul in animal form that shapeshifts until it 'settles' into a single form.<ref>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/His_Dark_Materials</ref> In a similar way, in this world, a daemon is considered the personification of some part of the dæmian's subconscious.<ref name=":02" /> Practitioners are called Dæmians or occasionally Dæmonists, and the mental construct is called a dæmon.<ref name=":02" /> The word and all related ones may be written with 'ae' or 'æ'.

The practise of daemonism has two major components: projecting and conversing with the daemon as a companion, and finding its most representative form through a number of elaborate personality typing systems.
== Experiences ==
The primary experience of daemonism is having a daemon. This mental construct can range from just being a mental 'puppet' to have a dialogue with to a fully autonomous internal agent.

== Projection & communication ==
Daemonists hold that everyone has a daemon, you just have to learn to listen to it and talk back.
Communicating with and visualizing one's daemon is one of the core practises of daemonism, albeit not universal or essential.<ref name=":02" /> Developing the skills to see and hear one's daemon typically requires some practise,<ref name=":1">{{Citation|title=FAQ|url=https://daemonpage.com/faq.php|work=The Daemon Page}}</ref><ref name=":3">{{Citation|title=FAQ|author=Kit|username=OldDaemonFarts|url=https://daemonism.wixsite.com/daemonism101/faq|work=Daemonism 101}}</ref> and many people describe their interactions as feeling forced initially.<ref name=":1" /><ref name=":12">{{Citation|title=How Do You Do This Dæmon Thing?|author=Steve|url=https://daemonpage.com//how-to.php|work=The Daemon Page}}</ref> A person may find interacting with their daemon more difficult if they are tired, stressed or distracted.<ref name=":1" /><ref name=":3" /> Daemians with aphantasia may find this also impedes their abilities.<ref name=":3" />

=== Learning to hear the daemon ===
=== Projection ===
Visualizing one's daemon is referred to as ''projecting'',<ref name=":1" /> and often the goal is to superimpose them on the environment as vividly as possible. Daemians typically percieve their projected daemons as being transparent and ghostly,<ref name=":1" /><ref name=":3" /> and may only see them as solid with extreme practise and effort.<ref name=":3" />
Daemonism has strong similarity to tulpamancy in terms of the methods used to induce the experience of a daemon.

The form that a daemon takes when projected is usually the daemian or daemon's choice. It is frequently that of a real, extant animal.<ref name=":2">{{Citation|title=What is a daemon, anyway?|username=walkingontheweirdside|url=https://walkingontheweirdside-deactivat.tumblr.com/post/660611275001348096|archiveurl=https://sundiscsandemptyciphers.tumblr.com/post/660674185317728256}}</ref> Unlike in His Dark Materials, a settled daemon is not prevented from shapeshifting, and it is possible for them to take human and even inanimate or abstract forms.<ref name=":1" /> As not all daemians derive their ideas about daemonism from His Dark Materials, some daemons may never project as an animal - though daemonism blogger walkingontheweirdside observes that this is exceedingly rare.<ref name=":2" />
Convincing yourself the entity is already there and sapient alongside frequent practicing and reinforcing of the internal dialogue is a common thread in both communities for advice on hearing the construct.<ref name=":1">https://daemonpage.com//how-to.php</ref> (get tulpa citation)

=== Communication ===
Many daemonists have the experience of struggling to talk to and hear their daemon- especially at first.<ref name=":1" />
Daemons are often said to be the other half of their daemians' mental dialogue,<ref name=":02" /><ref>{{Citation|title=What makes a daemon, a daemon?|username=walkingontheweirdside|url=https://walkingontheweirdside-deactivat.tumblr.com/post/660877800323088384/what-makes-a-daemon-a-daemon|archiveurl=https://sundiscsandemptyciphers.tumblr.com/post/660882353658396672}}</ref><ref>{{Citation|title=Daemonism 101|author=Kit|username=OldDaemonFarts|url=https://daemonism.wixsite.com/daemonism101}}</ref> and are valued for their support, friendship, guidance, and ability to provide a second perspective on their daemian's life.<ref name=":02" /><ref name=":1" /><ref name=":2" /> They vary in their degree of autonomy; some are simply a mental 'puppet' for self-talk, while some are fully discrete beings.<ref name=":2" />

Another frequent sentiment is that a person's daemon has been with them their whole life; it is simply a matter of separating them out. To that end, daemians are encouraged to listen for gut feelings, conflicting emotions, and voices of reason, and begin attributing that to their daemon.<ref name=":1" /><ref name=":12" /> The Daemon Page's FAQ advises that projecting can also make communication easier.<ref name=":1" />
== Form finding ==
Form finding is the process of determining which animal a dæmon will take the shape of to best represent its dæmian. It can be said to be a kind of personality typing system, akin to the MBTI or Enneagram, albiet much more complex and specific.<ref name=":0" /> It is considered one of the core practises of daemonism, and some people are exclusively interested in this part.<ref name=":02" /> Usually, the aim is to find one animal species which describes the daemian completely.<ref name=":02" /> As there are multiple form finding systems, a person can have a single true form in each.<ref name=":1" />

Community members have written interpretations of numerous species under both major systems as a reference for people in the form-finding process. It is also a common practise to write an in-depth description of oneself in order for people to suggest fitting forms.<ref name=":5">{{Citation|title=What to Expect From Your RA|author=Charlie|url=https://daemonpage.com/whattoexpect.php|work=The Daemon Page}}</ref> Typically, these will be broad suggestions, and a person is expected to do their own research to come to their final conclusion.<ref name=":5" /><ref>{{Citation|title=Reading Analyses|author=TAW|url=https://daemonpage.com/readinganalyses.php|work=The Daemon Page}}</ref>

For forms which are found rather than deliberately chosen, there are two primary methods:

=== Analytic forms ===
Analytic forms are derived from animals' real behaviours being analogized to personality traits. For example, in this system, an animal which is nocturnal as a way to avoid predators could represent someone who prefers to avoid attention.<ref name=":0" /> As these analyses are based in factual observation, mythical and extinct animals are not considered "viable" analytic forms.<ref name=":1" /><ref name=":0">{{Citation|title=Introduction to Dæmonism|author=House of Chimeras|date=August 14th, 2023|url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFzqX8mn2DE|work=OtherCon 2023}}</ref>

A comprehensive analytic interpretation of a form is called an ''analysis'', and a brief interpretation is called a ''vibe''.<ref name=":0" /> A person's self-description for the purposes of analytic suggestions is called a ''reverse'' ''analysis''.<ref name=":5" />

=== Pullman forms ===
Pullman forms are based on the cultural ideas and symbolism around animals in relation to the daemian's hobbies, skills, goals and values. For example, in this system, an owl daemon could represent someone who values knowledge and wisdom.<ref name=":0" /> This follows more closely to how daemons' forms are determined in Pullman's work.<ref>{{Citation|title=A short history of TDF form finding|author=Rachel of Theta|username=sundiscsandemptyciphers|date=August 29th, 2021|url=https://sundiscsandemptyciphers.tumblr.com/post/660876240199303168/a-short-history-of-tdf-form-finding}}</ref> Mythical and extinct animals are more likely to be "viable" under this system.<ref name=":0" />

A comprehensive Pullman interpretation of a form is called a ''portrait'', and a brief interpretation is called a ''sketch''.<ref name=":0" /> A person's self-description for the purposes of Pullman suggestions is called a ''self-portrait''.{{Citation Needed}}

=== Other forms ===
* '''Projected form''' - Can be anything; it is whatever the dæmon is right now.<ref name=":22">https://daemonpage.com//settled.php</ref>
* '''Personal form''' - A form which has personal significance to the daemian.<ref name=":0" />
* '''Comfort form''' - A form taken for the comfort of the dæmian.<ref name=":0" />
* '''Aspirational form''' - A form which describes the type of person the daemian would like to become.<ref name=":0" />
=== Settling ===
=== Settling ===
Settling is when the personality becomes less subject to fluctuation, usually at the onset of adulthood at the earliest or later. In the novel the practice is taken from, it refers to when a daemon takes on its permanent symbolic animal form around the cusp of puberty.
Settling is when the personality becomes less subject to fluctuation, usually at the onset of adulthood at the earliest or later.<ref name=":22" /> In the novel the practice is taken from, it refers to when a daemon takes on its permanent symbolic animal form around the cusp of puberty. Not everyone settles, and a previously settled person may become unsettled again in the future.

However, many in the community use settling to mean finding a specific form or handful of forms that the dæmon stays as.<ref name=":32">https://pluralsource.neocities.org/specifics/daemonism</ref>
Not everyone settles, and a previously settled person may become unsettled again in the future.

Settledom is something that is hotly contested in the community and has changed over time. Many in the community use settling to mean form finding instead.
Both the validity and definition of settledom is hotly contested in the community and the general attitude towards it has changed over time.<ref name=":22" />

=== Form Finding ===
== Community ==
Form Finding is when one finds a form (or multiple) that a daemon prefers to take.

* Being interested in the His Dark Materials series and participating in fannish activities surrounding it.<ref name=":4">https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GVSBMvwKIyTvDIqyqXy2C_7Q4Qx4UK3A/view?usp=sharing</ref>
This is a process that may take a long time. Some daemons never have a concrete form, others find one form and stick to it permanently. Many others have a few forms they cycle through.
* Celebrating their CIEday, or coming into existence day.<ref name=":32" />
* Celebrating their SFday, or settled-form day.<ref name=":32" />
''find something about daemians referring to themselves as '[name] of [daemon's name]'?''

== Relationship to the plural community ==
Form finding means different things to different daemeans, and different daemeans may have different standards through which form finding may happen. Some are very stringent, and others are more laid back on what counts as a truly settled form.
While daemonism could be considered a kind of created plurality in under the definition of such, not all dæmians consider themselves plural for their practice.<ref>https://daemonpage.com//faq.php</ref>

As daemons can range in levels of autonomy and separate identity, some daemons may qualify as a headmate and some may not. Different daemians may also experience the same phenomena, but may consider themselves in very different places on the multiplicity scale- including as being singlet for additionally varied reasons. (locate nnp threads that talk about this to cite)
=== Other experiences ===

some daemons may front
* Being able to 'impose' their daemon on the world (either just imagining or as far as tulpamancy imposition)
* Other plural experiences such as switching/fronting, the daemon considering themselves as a separate entity
* Celebrating CIEday, or coming into existence day- some do this, some dont
* Celebrating SFday, or settled-form day. some do some dont

=== Relationship to tulpamancy ===
== Forms ==
Tulpamancy and daemonism have a notable amount in common in terms of the methods used to induce the same experiences. They both encourage the practitioner to consider themselves as already experiencing the phenomena and to practice routinely to train the brain to exhibit plural experiences reliably. In addition, using a 'base' for their personality is the generally recommended method- be it your 'gut thoughts' and a name for daemonism, or a series of deliberately chosen traits for tulpamancy. In particular, the use of the practitioner's personal 'gut thoughts' is similar to the deliberate 'splitting' method that some tulpamancers use. (locate splitting tulpa guide to cite)
Form finding and expression is a large part of daemonism.

Forcing is also used by both communities to help work though rough patches in autonomous action and activity.
The form is how the daemon appears to the daemian. Mythic forms are somewhat contentious in the community on if they are valid.<ref>https://daemonpage.com//mythicforms.php</ref>
== Relationship to other alterhuman communities ==
Dæmians generally hold that everyone has a daemon, they just have to learn to listen to it and talk back.<ref name=":12" />

Many daemonists do not consider themselves alterhuman for being daemonists because its an integral part of the lore that daemonism is an integral human experience (locate nnp threads or tumblr posts about some people saying this?) ([https://old-daemon-farts.tumblr.com/post/652949737770745856/alternative 1])

others do ([https://ordinarydream.tumblr.com/post/662803662321680385/another-perspective-on-daemonism-and-alterhumanity 1], [https://a-dragons-journal.tumblr.com/post/662133395120373760/this-is-pretty-much-what-i-was-going-to-say-yeah 2], x)

for some people it's not inherently but it intersects ([https://www.pillowfort.social/posts/3137829 1])
Some types of forms that a daemon may take include but are not limited to:

discussion about how daemon forms relate to kintypes/theriotypes ([https://dragon-and-daemon.tumblr.com/post/622757782210461696/fluffnstuffq-does-anyone-know-any-good-sources 1], [https://dragon-and-daemon.tumblr.com/post/190739307225/ive-been-wondering-about-something-for-a-while#notes 2], ''the othehearted coining thread had some talk on this,'' ''i think vyt has also talked about it somewhere?)''
* '''Projected Form'''- Can be anything, its whatever the daemon is right now.<ref name=":2">https://daemonpage.com//settled.php</ref>
* '''Personality Form'''- Form that matches the daemian's personality as determined through analysis.<ref name=":2" />
* '''Pullman Form'''- Also called '''Symbolic Form'''. A form based on symbolism with the species of animal.<ref name=":3">https://pluralsource.neocities.org/specifics/daemonism</ref>
* '''Comfort Form -''' A form taken for comfort that may not match personality or symbolic analysis.<ref name=":3" />

created otherhearted term in their community (link to otherhearted page)
== History ==
== History ==
Dæmons are patterned after the entities of the same name in the novel series His Dark Materials by Phillip Pullman, in which every human has a dæmon- a person's soul in animal form that shapeshifts until it 'settles' into a single form.

=== Antecedents ===
''should probably explain historical precedents here, the concepts that inspired pullman such as the greek agathodaimon, esp as those more spirital conceptions become relevant to people in the community again later''

okibi and some others touched a lot on these concepts at the begining, believing pullman to have merely crystalized some more of the truth of the matter
daemon timeline goes here, reference timeline <ref>https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GVSBMvwKIyTvDIqyqXy2C_7Q4Qx4UK3A/view?usp=sharing</ref>

Community members have cited Socrates and his ''daimonon'';<ref>{{Citation|title=Daemons - It's nothing new|author=Kit|username=old-daemon-farts|url=https://daemonism.wixsite.com/daemonism101/daemon|work=Daemonism 101}}</ref> and Jung and his ''anima''<ref>{{Citation|title=Applying Carl Jung to Dæmons|url=https://sites.google.com/site/findyourdaemon/applyingcarljungtodaemons|work=Find Your Daemon|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20201016182021/https://sites.google.com/site/findyourdaemon/applyingcarljungtodaemons}}</ref> as examples of historical people having daemian-like experiences. Some have also interpreted daemonism into Edgar Allan Poe's pome Ulalume, wherein he talks a walk with his personified soul, whom he calls Psyche.<ref>{{Citation|title=Here’s to Psyche, Edgar Allan Poe’s daemon.|author=Kit|username=old-daemon-farts|date=29th September, 2023|url=https://old-daemon-farts.tumblr.com/post/738076337681612800/heres-to-psyche-edgar-allan-poes-daemon}}</ref>
== Relationship to the plural community ==
is plural as in under the definition but not all dæmonists consider themselves plural for their practice<ref>https://daemonpage.com//faq.php</ref>

=== 1995-2002 Pre- Community History ===
talk further about similarities between tulpamancy and soulbonding (forcing, mind tricks, practice, crafting a starting form, split method of tulpamancy)
1995-2000 the books for his dark materials came out, the founder Okibi discovered the series and it inspired her to create an imaginary friend which became her daemon Rannock.

in 2002 the founder of the daemon page created the first website as she figured others may have daemons
== Relationship to other alterhuman communities ==

many daemonists do not consider themselves alterhuman for being daemonists because its an integral part of the lore that daemonism is an integral human experience (locate nnp threads about some people saying this?)
=== 2002- ??? early community history ===
building of the community as it was

=== modern era age of tumblr ===
created otherhearted term and community (link to otherhearted page)
plural community absorbing everything else, daemonism getting more mixed with it
daemon timeline goes here, reference timeline <ref name=":4" />

''not sure when this all happened, but strict ideas about settling, the role of mental illness in personality, and daemons being nothing more than 'glorified imaginary friends' lifted over time. also, when were pullman forms introduced?''
== References ==
== References ==
<references />

Latest revision as of 21:33, 29 May 2024

Dæmonism is the practice of creating mental constructs that have a symbolic animal form[1]. Dæmons are patterned after the entities of the same name in the novel series His Dark Materials by Phillip Pullman, in which every human has a dæmon - a person's soul in animal form that shapeshifts until it 'settles' into a single form.[2] In a similar way, in this world, a daemon is considered the personification of some part of the dæmian's subconscious.[1] Practitioners are called Dæmians or occasionally Dæmonists, and the mental construct is called a dæmon.[1] The word and all related ones may be written with 'ae' or 'æ'.

The practise of daemonism has two major components: projecting and conversing with the daemon as a companion, and finding its most representative form through a number of elaborate personality typing systems.

Projection & communication[edit | edit source]

Communicating with and visualizing one's daemon is one of the core practises of daemonism, albeit not universal or essential.[1] Developing the skills to see and hear one's daemon typically requires some practise,[3][4] and many people describe their interactions as feeling forced initially.[3][5] A person may find interacting with their daemon more difficult if they are tired, stressed or distracted.[3][4] Daemians with aphantasia may find this also impedes their abilities.[4]

Projection[edit | edit source]

Visualizing one's daemon is referred to as projecting,[3] and often the goal is to superimpose them on the environment as vividly as possible. Daemians typically percieve their projected daemons as being transparent and ghostly,[3][4] and may only see them as solid with extreme practise and effort.[4]

The form that a daemon takes when projected is usually the daemian or daemon's choice. It is frequently that of a real, extant animal.[6] Unlike in His Dark Materials, a settled daemon is not prevented from shapeshifting, and it is possible for them to take human and even inanimate or abstract forms.[3] As not all daemians derive their ideas about daemonism from His Dark Materials, some daemons may never project as an animal - though daemonism blogger walkingontheweirdside observes that this is exceedingly rare.[6]

Communication[edit | edit source]

Daemons are often said to be the other half of their daemians' mental dialogue,[1][7][8] and are valued for their support, friendship, guidance, and ability to provide a second perspective on their daemian's life.[1][3][6] They vary in their degree of autonomy; some are simply a mental 'puppet' for self-talk, while some are fully discrete beings.[6]

Another frequent sentiment is that a person's daemon has been with them their whole life; it is simply a matter of separating them out. To that end, daemians are encouraged to listen for gut feelings, conflicting emotions, and voices of reason, and begin attributing that to their daemon.[3][5] The Daemon Page's FAQ advises that projecting can also make communication easier.[3]

Form finding[edit | edit source]

Form finding is the process of determining which animal a dæmon will take the shape of to best represent its dæmian. It can be said to be a kind of personality typing system, akin to the MBTI or Enneagram, albiet much more complex and specific.[9] It is considered one of the core practises of daemonism, and some people are exclusively interested in this part.[1] Usually, the aim is to find one animal species which describes the daemian completely.[1] As there are multiple form finding systems, a person can have a single true form in each.[3]

Community members have written interpretations of numerous species under both major systems as a reference for people in the form-finding process. It is also a common practise to write an in-depth description of oneself in order for people to suggest fitting forms.[10] Typically, these will be broad suggestions, and a person is expected to do their own research to come to their final conclusion.[10][11]

For forms which are found rather than deliberately chosen, there are two primary methods:

Analytic forms[edit | edit source]

Analytic forms are derived from animals' real behaviours being analogized to personality traits. For example, in this system, an animal which is nocturnal as a way to avoid predators could represent someone who prefers to avoid attention.[9] As these analyses are based in factual observation, mythical and extinct animals are not considered "viable" analytic forms.[3][9]

A comprehensive analytic interpretation of a form is called an analysis, and a brief interpretation is called a vibe.[9] A person's self-description for the purposes of analytic suggestions is called a reverse analysis.[10]

Pullman forms[edit | edit source]

Pullman forms are based on the cultural ideas and symbolism around animals in relation to the daemian's hobbies, skills, goals and values. For example, in this system, an owl daemon could represent someone who values knowledge and wisdom.[9] This follows more closely to how daemons' forms are determined in Pullman's work.[12] Mythical and extinct animals are more likely to be "viable" under this system.[9]

A comprehensive Pullman interpretation of a form is called a portrait, and a brief interpretation is called a sketch.[9] A person's self-description for the purposes of Pullman suggestions is called a self-portrait.[Citation needed]

Other forms[edit | edit source]

  • Projected form - Can be anything; it is whatever the dæmon is right now.[13]
  • Personal form - A form which has personal significance to the daemian.[9]
  • Comfort form - A form taken for the comfort of the dæmian.[9]
  • Aspirational form - A form which describes the type of person the daemian would like to become.[9]

Settling[edit | edit source]

Settling is when the personality becomes less subject to fluctuation, usually at the onset of adulthood at the earliest or later.[13] In the novel the practice is taken from, it refers to when a daemon takes on its permanent symbolic animal form around the cusp of puberty. Not everyone settles, and a previously settled person may become unsettled again in the future.

However, many in the community use settling to mean finding a specific form or handful of forms that the dæmon stays as.[14]

Both the validity and definition of settledom is hotly contested in the community and the general attitude towards it has changed over time.[13]

Community[edit | edit source]

  • Being interested in the His Dark Materials series and participating in fannish activities surrounding it.[15]
  • Celebrating their CIEday, or coming into existence day.[14]
  • Celebrating their SFday, or settled-form day.[14]

find something about daemians referring to themselves as '[name] of [daemon's name]'?

Relationship to the plural community[edit | edit source]

While daemonism could be considered a kind of created plurality in under the definition of such, not all dæmians consider themselves plural for their practice.[16]

As daemons can range in levels of autonomy and separate identity, some daemons may qualify as a headmate and some may not. Different daemians may also experience the same phenomena, but may consider themselves in very different places on the multiplicity scale- including as being singlet for additionally varied reasons. (locate nnp threads that talk about this to cite)

some daemons may front

Relationship to tulpamancy[edit | edit source]

Tulpamancy and daemonism have a notable amount in common in terms of the methods used to induce the same experiences. They both encourage the practitioner to consider themselves as already experiencing the phenomena and to practice routinely to train the brain to exhibit plural experiences reliably. In addition, using a 'base' for their personality is the generally recommended method- be it your 'gut thoughts' and a name for daemonism, or a series of deliberately chosen traits for tulpamancy. In particular, the use of the practitioner's personal 'gut thoughts' is similar to the deliberate 'splitting' method that some tulpamancers use. (locate splitting tulpa guide to cite)

Forcing is also used by both communities to help work though rough patches in autonomous action and activity.

Relationship to other alterhuman communities[edit | edit source]

Dæmians generally hold that everyone has a daemon, they just have to learn to listen to it and talk back.[5]

Many daemonists do not consider themselves alterhuman for being daemonists because its an integral part of the lore that daemonism is an integral human experience (locate nnp threads or tumblr posts about some people saying this?) (1)

others do (1, 2, x)

for some people it's not inherently but it intersects (1)

discussion about how daemon forms relate to kintypes/theriotypes (1, 2, the othehearted coining thread had some talk on this, i think vyt has also talked about it somewhere?)

created otherhearted term in their community (link to otherhearted page)

History[edit | edit source]

Antecedents[edit | edit source]

should probably explain historical precedents here, the concepts that inspired pullman such as the greek agathodaimon, esp as those more spirital conceptions become relevant to people in the community again later

okibi and some others touched a lot on these concepts at the begining, believing pullman to have merely crystalized some more of the truth of the matter

Community members have cited Socrates and his daimonon;[17] and Jung and his anima[18] as examples of historical people having daemian-like experiences. Some have also interpreted daemonism into Edgar Allan Poe's pome Ulalume, wherein he talks a walk with his personified soul, whom he calls Psyche.[19]

1995-2002 Pre- Community History[edit | edit source]

1995-2000 the books for his dark materials came out, the founder Okibi discovered the series and it inspired her to create an imaginary friend which became her daemon Rannock.

in 2002 the founder of the daemon page created the first website as she figured others may have daemons

2002- ??? early community history[edit | edit source]

building of the community as it was

modern era age of tumblr[edit | edit source]

plural community absorbing everything else, daemonism getting more mixed with it daemon timeline goes here, reference timeline [15]

not sure when this all happened, but strict ideas about settling, the role of mental illness in personality, and daemons being nothing more than 'glorified imaginary friends' lifted over time. also, when were pullman forms introduced?

References[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 "Introduction" The Daemon Page.
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/His_Dark_Materials
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 "FAQ" The Daemon Page.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Kit (OldDaemonFarts). "FAQ" Daemonism 101.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Steve. "How Do You Do This Dæmon Thing?" The Daemon Page.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 walkingontheweirdside. "What is a daemon, anyway?" (Archived version)
  7. walkingontheweirdside. "What makes a daemon, a daemon?" (Archived version)
  8. Kit (OldDaemonFarts). "Daemonism 101"
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 House of Chimeras. (August 14th, 2023) "Introduction to Dæmonism" OtherCon 2023.
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 Charlie. "What to Expect From Your RA" The Daemon Page.
  11. TAW. "Reading Analyses" The Daemon Page.
  12. Rachel of Theta (sundiscsandemptyciphers). (August 29th, 2021) "A short history of TDF form finding"
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 https://daemonpage.com//settled.php
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 https://pluralsource.neocities.org/specifics/daemonism
  15. 15.0 15.1 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GVSBMvwKIyTvDIqyqXy2C_7Q4Qx4UK3A/view?usp=sharing
  16. https://daemonpage.com//faq.php
  17. Kit (old-daemon-farts). "Daemons - It's nothing new" Daemonism 101.
  18. "Applying Carl Jung to Dæmons" Find Your Daemon. (Archived version)
  19. Kit (old-daemon-farts). (29th September, 2023) "Here’s to Psyche, Edgar Allan Poe’s daemon."