Nonhumanity and gender

From Otherkin Wiki
Revision as of 19:15, 18 June 2023 by imported>Vagabondsun (→‎Gender diversity in nonhuman communities: new section)

The relationship between nonhumanity and gender has been frequently discussed. There are mixed opinions on how interrelated the two categories are broadly, with some people considering nonhumanity a type of queerness itself, and some feeling that they should never be compared. Otherkin and furries have been likened to transgender people by people both inside and outside the communities, in both positive and negative lights. Transgender nonhumans have written extensively about their experiences at the intersection of these two identities. Journalists and researchers have attempted to use transgender identity as a frame of reference for understanding nonhuman identities. In recent years, otherkin and furries have been invoked in court cases as being related to, or sometimes even a subtype of, being transgender.

Transgender nonhumans may additionally identify as transspecies.

really unsure what sections this article should have, i guess thatll become apparent once we actually mine the sources lol ~ joey

Gender diversity in nonhuman communities

Many community members cite anecdotal evidence to suggest that a substantial percentage, or even the majority, of nonhumans are transgender or gender diverse. Academic studies report a slightly higher incidence compared to the general population, while community surveys frequently report much higher numbers.[1]

Survey results published in 2019 by tumblr user pantomorph, targeting alterhumans broadly, reported that 82.2% of respondants were transgender or otherwise not cisgender.[2] A survey targeting therians and otherkin specifically, run by youtuber PinkDolphin in 2020, showed only 23.2% of respondants explicitly self-reporting as cisgender.[3] In 2021, Lopori published survey results wherein 34% of respondants stated that they were transgender, and 48.1% stated that they were nonbinary.[4] Page Shepard, Orion Scribner and Arethinn aTinderel discuss the possibility that some of these surveys overrepresent gender diverse experiences because of their distribution on tumblr.[5]


  1. Orion Scribner (frameacloud). (March 12th, 2023) "Most surveys do find the percentage ..." Comment on "Does anyone have any statistics regarding the percentage of otherkin who are also transgender?".
  2. eli (pantomorph). (July 23rd, 2019) "alterhumanity & gender survey results"
  3. PinkDolphin. (September 12th, 2020) "Therianthropy V.S. GENDER: does it influence eachother?" at 1:18.
  4. Lopori (goddamnitlopori). (January 9th, 2021) "Alterhumanity and sexuality survey: the results!"
  5. Arethinn aTinderel (arethinn). (March 14th, 2023) "My scientific wild-ass guess..." Comment on "Does anyone have any statistics regarding the percentage of otherkin who are also transgender?".