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Open source reiki

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Open source reiki (originally called otherkin reiki) is a reiki system developed and practised by a number of otherkin and plurals. Unlike other schools of reiki, information about it is freely given, and a person can theoretically attune themselves. The practise appealed to otherkin who had experiences of using magic in other lives, but "couldn't figure out how to get it to work here".[1]

The system was founded by Eyovah (mundanely known as Barton Wendel) and his brother Rialian.[2] Other major contributors included The Crisses and Jarandhel Dreamsinger.

History[edit | edit source]

Eyovah was a reiki master who had received training and attunement in the Usui, Karnua and Imara schools.[3] While he had conducted paid lessons and attunements in the past, he expressed a desire to make reiki energy available for free to all people. He began attuning people at otherkin gathers, taking them through every stage to the Reiki Master level in one sitting. The people who received these attunements soon began to channel new reiki symbols and experiment with new ways to apply the reiki energy, kickstarting the open source reiki movement.[2]

After Eyovah's death, people reported receiving communications from his spirit imploring them to continue the project he started.[2] They created the otherkinreiki Yahoo! group on June 23rd, 2000,[4] and the Open Source Reiki Wiki on an unknown date. Much of the discussion about open source reiki took place in the otherkinreiki group. The wiki maintainers intended to synthesize these discussions into easily accessible content on the wiki,[5] however, little progress was made. Rialian presented two seminars on "reiki for fae" at KinVention North in 2001.[6]

The otherkinreiki Yahoo! group received its last messages in May of 2008.[4] Members of the group were still blogging about otherkin reiki as late as 2013.[7]

Philosophy[edit | edit source]

Practitioners and advocates of open source reiki described information about and access to healing modalities as a "birthright". They believed that people were entitled to learn, teach, and build upon these resources freely. While the idea started with reiki, they expressed plans to create information about other healing modalities under the same principles.[2]

Many practitioners were critical of mainstream reiki principles. They disputed the idea that attunement by a Reiki Master was necessary to use reiki energy, and produced numerous guides on different methods of self-attunement.[8] Some people expressed that they did not need any attunement at all.[9] Jarandhel Dreamsinger justifies this by noting that Mikao Usui, the founder of reiki, was never attuned nor did he perform attunements in the way the concept is understood by modern reiki practitioners.[10]

Practitioners also questioned the sanctity of reiki symbols. They held that they were merely mnemonics for different types of energy,[10][11] and did not necessarily need to be used in order to perform reiki.[12] They also held that as a consequence of this, new reiki symbols could be channeled,[10][11] their components could be mixed and matched, non-reiki symbols could be used,[11] and new symbols could even be deliberately created.[10]

Dreamsinger additionally disputed the traditional beliefs that reiki energy is sentient and can do no harm.[10]

Practise[edit | edit source]

Rialian felt that reiki energy was capable of much more than just healing.[13] Eyovah claimed that after being attuned, the reiki energy allowed him to develop extrasensory perception and psychic intuition. He surmised that he may pass those abilities on to those he attuned himself.[14]

Application to chaos magic[edit | edit source]

A number of practitioners viewed reiki through a chaos magic lens. Dreamsinger in particular conceived of the symbols as thoughtforms, and attributed the perceived intelligence of reiki energy to egregores of the individual schools of reiki.[10] As such, practitioners believed that reiki energy could be used by them to create thoughtforms and servitors of their own.[13]

Dreamsinger additionally drew comparisons between the use of reiki symbols and the use of sigils, and used sigil-making techniques to create new symbols for use.[10] As well as this, he and others channelled many new symbols. A number of repositories were created so that others could also use them in their workings.[15][16]

Adaptation for otherkin and systems[edit | edit source]

Practitioners theorized that many otherkin and systems, having "nonstandard energetic systems", could be harmed by or react counterintuitively to reiki energy.[10] Guides were therefore created on dealing with this, including one detailing additional precautions for attuning plural systems.[17]

Eyovah produced two online reiki 'scripts' for inducing awakening in otherkin.[18] Dreamsinger similarly created a course of reiki symbols which were designed to assist otherkin with awakening and integrating their otherkin nature into themselves.[7]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. "Quick FAQ"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 "About The Project"
  3. Barton Wendel (Eyovah). "Barton Wendel Basic Reiki Page" (Archived version)
  4. 4.0 4.1 "otherkinreiki" (Archived version)
  5. "Archive Diggers" (Archived version)
  6. (2001) "Schedule of Events" KinVention North. (Archived version)
  7. 7.0 7.1 Jarandhel Dreamsinger. "Otherkin Reiki: In Conclusion"
  8. Jarandhel Dreamsinger. "Non-Traditional Attunement Methods" (Archived version)
  9. "Philosophy Of Attunements" (Archived version)
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 Jarandhel Dreamsinger. (May 30th, 2013) "Reiki from a Magical Perspective"
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 "Reiki Symbols"
  12. "Common Myths" (Archived version)
  13. 13.0 13.1 Rialian. "Reiki for the Magickal Practitioner" (Archived version)
  14. Bart Wendel (Eyovah). "The Possible Extra Gifts of a Reiki Attunement" (Archived version)
  15. Jarandhel Dreamsinger. "Channeled Reiki Symbols" (Archived version)
  16. The Crisses. "Channeled by the Crisses" (Archived version)
  17. Jarandhel Dreamsinger. "Attuning Multiples" (Archived version)
  18. Eyovah. "The awakening page" (Archived version)

External links[edit | edit source]

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