
From Otherkin Wiki
Revision as of 22:42, 20 February 2023 by imported>DragonheartCollective (Created page with "Might be a good idea to make the controversy section on this page be less biased against those who dislike or criticize the term in any way. In particular; "Plurals who object to the term are often motivated by sysmedicalist beliefs.[16][17]" Isnt terribly neutral and we kinda take offense to that as a very pro-endo nonhuman system with spiritual elements. We strongly dislike plurality being included as alterhuman personally both because the wider plural community wasnt...")
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Might be a good idea to make the controversy section on this page be less biased against those who dislike or criticize the term in any way. In particular; "Plurals who object to the term are often motivated by sysmedicalist beliefs.[16][17]" Isnt terribly neutral and we kinda take offense to that as a very pro-endo nonhuman system with spiritual elements. We strongly dislike plurality being included as alterhuman personally both because the wider plural community wasnt consulted before inclusion, and because if plurality is included by default and not other neurotypes or spiritual experiences it comes off as wildly ableist and dehumanizing in the bad way. Here is a whole thread with multiple criticims that should be acknowledged (ours are included in it)