
From Otherkin Wiki
Revision as of 02:15, 13 May 2024 by Voxel (talk | contribs) ("upgrades, people, upgrades")

Voxel(s) are a plurality mostly composed of nonhuman souls. Alongside Willow, ze are a bureaucrat on this wiki. Hir special interest is Minecraft and ze are collectively Minecraft otherSpIn.[1]


Because of hir longtime special interest in Minecraft, a significant amount of Voxels' identity―alterhuman and otherwise―is centered around the game. Hir avatar (which ze identify with/as in a way not dissimilar to some furries) is a dragon from the warped forest, which is hir collective hearthome.

The current frontrunner is a wyrmwolf.[2] Drae prefers not to have draer own name, but "(The) Dragon" will suffice if necessary. Drae came into full consciousness around 2016 and fully accepted draer draconity around 2020, although drae has been present as a dragon for nearly the system's whole life. Drae is also enderman otherkin and a utahraptor paleotherian. Draer hearthomes are mountains generally, the world of Wynncraft, the Far Lands, and the backrooms.

Other notable identities within the system include fictives and factives of Minecraft characters and youtubers; other nonhumans including canines, avians, and Players (otherhumans of the Minecraft variety); and their associated hearthomes.

Queer experience

In addition to being alterhuman, Voxel are aroace and a systemfluid FtM demiboy. The host is bigender and considers draerself transspecies, making a comparison to draer, and the system's, transgender experience.

Other projects

Voxel also run, a small community for minecraftfolk,[3] as well as SMP (Survival MultiPlayer) Minecraft servers for this community and for hir close friends.


If you are in need of any assistance regarding this wiki, you may contact Voxels on hir talk page.


  1. otherSpIn: an alterhuman experience influenced by one's special interest.
  2. wyrmwolf: a dragon who transforms into a wolf. (compare werewolf)
  3. minecraftfolk: (also minefolk) alterhumans whose alterhumanity is influenced in some way by Minecraft or by stories associated with it.